Westchester United Nations Day, speaking about energy efficiency incentive programs and practices.


SCS provides thought leadership and insights on environmental and social justice issues, workplace culture, and motivational storytelling for relevant conferences, panels, podcasts, webinars and other speaking engagements.

Seeking a seasoned speaker to educate your audience on the nexus between conservation and equity? Interviewing experts for your research? Need to ground-truth assumptions? Seeking general advice on policy development?

SCS is available to lend our experience and expertise to your research and programmatic planning with unique and well-rounded insights gleaned from decades in the conservation and justice spaces.

Captivate Your Audience

Public speaking is where our versatility shines. Elizabeth has delivered presentations to large and small groups, in language sophisticated and simple, to audiences ranging from academics to fishermen. Decades of outreach and persuasive communication have informed her ability to prepare engaging content, delivered to inspire.

Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference Presentation, speaking about recreational fisheries management strategies

Looking for a dynamic speaker to discuss teen parenthood, international relocation, or how to launch your own consulting firm?

In the spirit of work-life harmony, Elizabeth is also available to speak to your audiences in a relatable, authentic way about her unique experiences pursuing success and peace in the face of myriad obstacles.

Tackle Hard Conversations

We can make progress toward the society we want — one that is more equitable, more sustainable, and more healthy — but only if we are willing to tell the truth and grapple with conversations that are uncomfortable. We don’t shy away from this at SCS, and our goal is to inspire kinder, more intentional action without sugar-coating harsh realities.

From divesting from toxic workplace culture and boundary-setting for wellness, to navigating racialized hostility and relocating internationally, we glean our lessons learned and use them to inspire, encourage, and affirm your listeners.